Generic Environmental Impact Statement

The cumulative environmental impact of adopting the Green Code, including all of its components, is being evaluated under one Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA).

The SEQRA process will include a public review period, providing community members the opportunity to submit official comments on the Green Code documents. The draft Green Code documents will be presented to the Common Council, requesting that they be accepted as a draft, along with the Draft GEIS. Once the draft Green Code documents and draft GEIS are accepted by the Common Council, the official public review period will begin.

During the SEQRA process, there will be several ways that community members can provide official input on the Green Code documents, including written comments, electronic comments via email or website, and at official public hearings.

Once the public review period is over, the city and its consultants will review and respond to each and every comment per SEQRA. Based on these responses, appropriate revisions will be made to the Development Framework documents and the GEIS. Once the revisions are complete, the Development Framework documents and the Final GEIS will be presented to the Common Council for adoption.

The Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement will be available shortly.